Expert Articles


Are Your 401(k) Plan Fees Reasonable?

Administering a 401(k) plan for your company is not an easy job. There are a host of requirements that you as a plan fiduciary must comply with. One of those key requirements is to ensure that any fees associated with the retirement plan be considered “reasonable.”

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Providing Financial Support to Guardians

You selected your guardian because you were confident that he or she could meet the position's personal and legal requirements. In asking so much of your guardian, you must ensure that the individual has the wherewithal to meet the future financial needs of your children or special-needs relatives.

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Five Tips for Naming Guardians for Minor Children

Considering your children's lives after you are gone is never easy. But thinking through what you want for your family and communicating your wishes to the people who will love and care for your kids will provide much peace of mind. Here are five important issues to keep in mind.

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Will Social Security still be there when you retire?

It’s no secret that recent annual reports on the projected financial status of the Social Security program have been less than encouraging, leaving many to doubt its viability as a retirement income stream. However, there are many sides to the story, and several facets to consider before dismissing the program altogether.

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Common Mistakes of Do-It-Yourself Investors

Qualified wealth managers help clients to understand that investment vehicles like stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and the like are simply the tools used to build a solid investment strategy. Before picking up those tools, ask yourself, do I really know what I am building?

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Selling Your Company? Consider Using a Business Broker

A business broker can navigate the complicated process of selling your company, while helping you achieve your financial sale goal and maintaining your peace of mind.

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How to Maximize the Market-based Approach of Valuing Your Business?

There are several valid methods to valuing your business, but many potential sellers favor the comparisons found in the market-based approach.

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Do You Need Fiduciary Liability Insurance?

Maintaining a qualified employee benefit plan carries a significant amount of responsibility, along with potential liability. Find out why many business owners mistakenly believe an ERISA bond will protect them from such liability.

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