Expert Articles


2017 Tax Documents — What to Expect, When, and From Whom

The first quarter of each year is often a period of fresh starts and new beginnings. But it is also a time for wrapping up the previous year's business and putting it to bed — especially with regards to tax preparations. To assist in the organization of many of these details and to smooth the process for both yourself and your financial service providers, we've assembled the following checklist of dates, documents, and notes to keep in mind.

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Is an ESOP a Better Option Than an Outright Sale of Your Business?

When it's time to move on from the business, many owners regard selling or merging their company to be the only viable option. But doing so often leaves employees and clients in a bad spot. For owners looking to make the best decision for themselves and the company they're leaving behind, another option to consider is an Employee Stock Ownership Plan.

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Managing Charitable Giving During the Sale of a Business

As successful business owners reach a point in their business when they are ready to sell, many also recognize both the need and opportunity to do more with their good fortune. For business owners with such a charitable inclination and a readiness to have their business change hands, there are many options and considerations to weigh.

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Using a Roth IRA Conversion to Lower Your Tax Liability in Retirement

Many workers use qualified retirement accounts to save for retirement. A major attraction of these vehicles is that taxes on the earnings are deferred. That can be beneficial while you are working, but on-going deferrals over the long-term can also lead to large bills once you retire. There is, however, a way to reduce the potential tax bite of tax-deferred retirement accounts.

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Succession Planning Part 2: The Convergence of Exit and Estate Planning

Estate planning is complex. Add to it the dimension of planning a business sale ortransition, and it can be overwhelming. But it's just as essential as business planning in order for your family to navigate as smoothly as possible through a transition. Here are some key elements to keep in mind to make the process less of a challenge.

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Succession Planning Part 1: Establishing an Exit Strategy

Business owners wear many hats. Beyond key services, owners may be involved in marketing, finance, operations, and more. But one aspect often overlooked is planning for the day they step away from the business for good.

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DOL’s New Rule Should Be A Win For Consumers

It seems everyone has an opinion about what effect, if any, the DOL's Conflict of Interest Rule will have on consumers. Opponents of the rule insist it will raise costs and reduce access to adequate retirement advice, while proponents argue the increased transparency will be a win for the investor. So, who is correct?

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For Plan Sponsors, Help Determining Reasonable Fees is on the Way

As a 401(k) plan sponsor, you may have heard the terms “reasonable fees” or “reasonable compensation” in your conversations with your plan service providers. Perhaps those service providers have even provided some benchmarking reports to show that their fees are reasonable. But whose job is it to determine if fees and/or compensation related to an employer-sponsored retirement plan are, in fact, reasonable?

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