Expert Articles


Health & Your Finances: Planning for a Declining Health Situation

It's not easy to talk about the deterioration of your health, or what you'll do at the end of your life, which leads many to avoid the conversation altogether. However, that means critical planning is also being avoided. Here are some steps you can take that will make the process more comfortable to start and easier to manage.

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Selecting the Trust That's Right for You

There are many financial situations that can warrant the establishment of a trust, yet many are hesitant to do so due in part to a lack of understanding of how trusts work. Financial Planning Coordinator, Jana Hovey, explains the types of trusts that are available and how to choose between them based on your circumstances.

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5 Things Retiring Business Owners Should Consider in the Wake of Covid-19

In this post, Richard P. Slaughter Associates Executive Vice President, Wealth Management and Business Strategy, Darby Armont examines the impacts of Covid-19 on business and offers advice for business owners who were planning to sell when Covid hit.

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The Special Plan That Saves Taxes on Retirement Plan Concentrated Stock Positions

Sometimes, people find themselves holding large amounts of employer stock in their company retirement plans through either a 401(k) or an ESOP. While taxes are not owed while the stock is in the plan, many people in this situation don't realize that there is a strategy that allows such taxes to be paid at the preferential capital gains rate. It's called the Net Unrealized Appreciation tax treatment, and here's how it works.

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Potential Tax Law Changes That May Impact Estate Planning

2021 will be an important year for many to re-examine their estate plans. With a new administration in the White House, many of the favorable estate planning laws in existence today are now under scrutiny and changes have been proposed. Courtesy of a chart originated by DuBois, Bryant & Campbell, here's a breakdown of the laws being challenged, proposed changes, and potential actions some may wish to consider.

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Starting and Benefitting from Private Foundations and Trusts

Many people associate private foundations and trusts with either being for the ultra-wealthy or simply too complicated. Certainly, there are sizeable starting points and complexities but there are ways to make each more achievable than many people imagine. And, depending upon your charitable-giving goals, the added benefits and flexibilities these options provide could make them worth your while.

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Stock Trading in a Social Media World

By now, you have likely heard about the unusual activity in the stock market relating to GameStop, Robinhood, and the small group of investors looking to exact revenge on large institutional traders and hedge funds. It certainly caused a stir but is there any reason for real concern that it could significantly impact future investments?

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Welcome, 2021! Your Arrival is Greeted with Open Arms

Some years teach us more than others; 2020 was certainly one of those years. And if the first couple of weeks of this year are any indication, 2021 will be very enlightening as we recover and respond to all the changes last year required. From health to business to politics, these challenges have led to many questions. As they relate to markets and economies, Slaughter Associates President and CEO, Brooks Slaughter offers the following assessment of where things stand and the likely path we'll follow in 2021.

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