Generating a financial plan is one of the more important and rewarding processes you or your family can do for your financial future. Slaughter Associates, through decades of experience and training, has formed a financial planning process that puts you on your way to reaping its benefits with confidence and ease of mind because you now have answers to questions like:

  • What is the most effective way to use my assets to fund my financial needs?
  • How can I protect my wealth from financial risks?
  • When is the ideal time for me to retire?
  • Can I be philanthropic and meet my personal financial goals?
  • What is the impact of a financial decision on my long-term goals?

These are just a few of the questions that we will answer during the financial planning process. Whether you are in or nearing retirement, have received a lump sum from the sale of a business or inheritance, or have accumulated wealth through your career, a well-constructed financial plan can answer the most pressing questions you have about the future of your financial goals.

The key to a successful planning strategy is the skill of the team who is charged with its construction and implementation. Slaughter Associates' financial planning services offer you access to professionals with the most highly regarded credentials, including CFP®, CFA®, AWMA®, AIF® and MBA, who are utilizing state-of-the-art planning tools to create a strategy designed to meet even the most complex of financial goals.

Once your strategy is in place, your financial planning and asset management teams will come together to build your ideal portfolio. Having the designers of your plan and those deploying the assets in the same firm is a great advantage to you as you can be assured all your assets are working toward a common goal.

Markets and economies are fluid, as are personal finance situations. Your team constantly monitors the changing environment and how it impacts your personal plan. We are on-call for you when personal changes impact your wealth. Whether in a personal or an environmental situation, your team of experts will initiate the appropriate adjustments for continued plan viability.

We will lay the groundwork to put and keep you on your chosen path.

Meet Our Financial Planning Team